Sunday, July 27, 2014

Thing 8 Research and Inquiry...

Custom Google Search Engines can be utilized effectively in an ELA classroom to conduct research in persuasive writing.  Teachers can take advantage of on-campus computer labs by scheduling classes blocks of time to conduct their research. Doing so will also provide teachers an opportunity to be hands-on and provide support if necessary. Using these specialized search engines eliminate unnecessary pages that aren't related to the research topic from being included in the information returned. It's very annoying to have to sift/sort through information that isn't related to my particular search so I'm excited to be introduced to Custom Google Search Engines.

1 comment:

  1. Monica, how would you introduce Custom Google Search Engines to your students? What type of activities could you use to make students more comfortable with Custom Google Search Engines? I agree that it will eliminate searching through information that is not related to a particular topic. :)
